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Cambridge Audio BT 100

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Cambridge Audio BT 100 - Consente di riprodurre in streaming da qualunque dispositivo bluetooth (quali dispositivi Android / iPhone / Macbook) verso un host Cambridge quale il Dac Magic Plus - supporta apt-x coded di elevata qualità e audio SBC coded con sorgente 44.1K e 48K
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Cambridge Audio BT 100

If your smartphone or tablet supports the aptX audio enhancement CODEC the BT100 can support it as well. AptX, which is featured on a growing number of mobile devices as well as MacBooks and Apple desktop computers, allows audio to be broadcast wirelessly in significantly higher quality than over standard Bluetooth. You’ll instantly notice more extensive dynamic range, deeper bass and crystal-clear top end.

Standard Bluetooth codec (SBC) has variable performance and its weaknesses are very apparent to music lovers including a reduction in high end clarity, muddiness or dullness on stringed content. Conversely, the aptX codec has a fixed performance standard to guarantee a consistently excellent quality when music data is transferred wirelessly over Bluetooth. With almost CD-quality reproduction on offer, you’ll instantly experience significantly greater dynamics and infinitely more detail from your favourite music.

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